I'm some positive artist guy

Age 19, Male

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Joined on 3/25/21

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Hey, guys. Quick update on my participation in Ghostbread's Pastatober:

I've been using a drawing tablet that I only starting using since May of this year. This was a birthday gift from my parents from a few years back, but didn't figure out how to set it up properly and not having a brand new, fully working PC. It slowly started acting more off throughout the months of using it, but a likely candidate was because I wasn't taking care of the cables that came with it

Very recently, the tablet's screen started acting wonky with the stylus' interaction on the screen; making light brush strokes to even dragging tabs of the art program I use (FireAlpaca) everywhere even if the stylus was simply hovering over the screen. This made it to where it felt very frustrating to work on something. This only happened twice: Earlier in August before acting regularly after leaving it alone for a week or so, and then again just today while trying to draw.

It might be the cables, as I updated the tablet's driver and it still gave me the same results. I did order some replacement cables just today that are said to arrive on the 9th. The customer service for the company that made my tablet (XPPen), also couldn't make any sense of it other than to download a new driver.

With that being said: I'm gonna have to resort to drawing these next few Pastatober entries on paper until my new cables arrive. It'll be a temporary change, so if anyone questions why, this post says it all


Recent Game Medals

435 Points

Shart Tsunami 5 Points

Get over 50 shart notes in a song

Secret Medal ????? Points

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Save the Day 100 Points

Well aren't you a fucking hero?!

A Relaxing Stress Ball 5 Points

Slay a slime

Skinny Steve! 5 Points

Pull Steve

Squashed! 5 Points

Slay a pink slime

Short of Stature, Big of Heart 5 Points

Pull Herman

BSOD 5 Points

I hate it when this happens

Secret Medal ????? Points

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Secret Medal ????? Points

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Absolute Pain

Added to test_mihap for Windowz XP 2012 Professional May 10, 2024.

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